Thursday, October 25, 2018

Hillary, a Tigress Tsar To Be Jailed!

Hillary, a Tigress Tsar To Be Jailed! 
 — To Support Trump, for a New America! 

Hillary Clinton and other politicians' excessive stunt on a coined crime of "Russia Hoax" against Donald Trump is a "self-evident" disclosure of the vicious soul of Hillary Clinton's bloody crimes that betrayed America! Betrayers with bloody crimes will be ultimately punished by God!

Hillary Clinton is a tigress tsar, with McCarthy-style scams, Mao Zedong-style cruelty, more sinister and merciless than Stalin, able to fool the people with more skills than Hitler; but the versatility of too many twists and turns may result in the contrary, and ultimately be punished by God!

Hillary was too crafty, played tricks too frequently, and constantly ran into the loopholes of the jurisdiction system of the USA. Dozens of people died mysteriously; all of them worked closely with her and knew the evil curtains. After losing the presidential election, those former politician tycoons made troubles frequently, and eventually they committed more brutal crimes than the fictitious drama "House of Cards"!

与希拉里比起来,唐纳德·川普(Donald Trump)总统可能没有希拉里那样精打细算、勾心斗角、狡诈而高明的权术操纵谋略,但是企业家出身的川普总统态度鲜明地捍卫“持枪权捍卫真理“的普世原则,并且正在以务实而灵活的新战略重振美国。副总统麦克·彭斯(Mike Pence)在哈德逊研究所发布的对华战略演讲,条理清楚、逻辑严谨,恰好弥补了川普总统偶尔偏好夸张言辞的个性缺点。这说明川普总统知人善任,懂得总统自己的个性局限,同时又有包容心,充分发挥优秀精英的严谨战略!
Hillary Clinton's hidden hypocrisy can be much more dangerous against the fundamental system of America based on respect of Gun Rights and Spiritual Sovereignty. Compared with Hillary's sophisticated craft on power maneuver, Donald Trump may be not perfect; but some shortcomings of Trump's self-boastful commercial mentality can be well complemented by the well-disciplined operation with strict logic as exemplified by the full-scenario strategy indicated by Mike Pence's influential speech on the new policies against the atheism Chinese Dictatorship Regime.  

彭斯(Mike Pence)的对华战略演讲,非常清楚地把黄俄专政权贵与普通中国人区别开来,这充分说明,文明世界的民众已经看到,榨取中国百姓血汗财富而到处传播“特务病毒”的黄俄专政太监,并不代表现代中国公民,更不能代表大中华文化的核心精华 以“火药”文明创新支持“持枪权捍卫真理”的美利坚自由民主的法治体系!而半民主的台湾地区就是中华文化的部分表现!
Mike Pence’s strategic speech on China clearly distinguishes the ruling Atheism Regime from the ordinary Chinese people. It indicates the civilized world sees clearly that the atheism regime that originated from Russian spy virus doesn't represent the majority of Chinese people, nor the fine essence of traditional Chinese culture that triggered innovation of gunpowder, which effectively supports the USA society's fundamental system based on respect of Gun Rights and individual's Spiritual Sovereignty.  The echo of modern civilization is also reflected in semi-democratic Taiwan society.

彭斯提到,美国已经受到黄俄特务病毒的严重渗透 黄俄特务试图干扰美国中期选举和2020的总统大选!
Make Pence emphasized that the United States has been severely penetrated by the Chinese spy virus — which attempted to interfere the US midterm elections and the 2020 presidential election!

To deal with the huge threat posed by a poisonous and dangerous Spy System run by an Atheism Terrorism Regime,  democratic regimes all over the world now see the necessity to unite together. In order to better rally up for a common goal, it is necessary to purge some treason virus inside the democratic system.
Although there's no hard evidence of Hillary's crimes closely related to dozens of deaths, those politicians' excessive stunt on a coined crime of "Russia Hoax" against Donald Trump has run to the contrary effect, becoming a "self-evident" disclosure of the vicious soul of Hillary Clinton's bloody crimes that betrayed America!

Although Hillary is extremely cunning, highly skilled at exploiting the most subtle loopholes in America's judiciary system, the gradually-increased disclosure of the vicious power maneuver by Hillary Clinton will infuriate more and more people, to fight against those betrayers, and unite under the new strategy that aims to make America great again.

In order to safeguard the sacred dignity represented by the " Liberty of Statue" and to "Make America Great Again", American people act together. To fight for the glory of a new America, it's necessary to send those betrayers to jail!

1) More and more facts show that Hillary Clinton and other politicians' excessive stunt on a coined crime of "Russia Hoax" against Donald Trump have become a "self-evident" disclosure of the vicious soul of Hillary Clinton's bloody crimes that betrayed America!
2) 关于希拉里背负数十条人命案的各种新闻链接:
(Decades-old political rumor claims Bill Clinton quietly did away with several dozen people who possessed incriminating evidence about him. )

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