Thursday, October 25, 2018

Hillary, a Tigress Tsar To Be Jailed!

Hillary, a Tigress Tsar To Be Jailed! 
 — To Support Trump, for a New America! 

Hillary Clinton and other politicians' excessive stunt on a coined crime of "Russia Hoax" against Donald Trump is a "self-evident" disclosure of the vicious soul of Hillary Clinton's bloody crimes that betrayed America! Betrayers with bloody crimes will be ultimately punished by God!

Hillary Clinton is a tigress tsar, with McCarthy-style scams, Mao Zedong-style cruelty, more sinister and merciless than Stalin, able to fool the people with more skills than Hitler; but the versatility of too many twists and turns may result in the contrary, and ultimately be punished by God!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Boycott the Movie Air Strike 美国人民一起抵制 大轰炸!

Americans are called to boycott the movie Air Strike as well, 一起抵制 大轰炸! for the movie production is closely involved with crimes by some entertainment prostitutes such as Fan Bing Bing who colluded with the Atheism Regime on spreading dictatorship to destroy USA.
The action war-drama movie Air Strike has been canceled in China since it’s boycotted by Chinese people.
范冰冰 黑幕被 崔永元 揭开,在大陆难以发行影片  大轰炸,竟然想去骗不知情的美国人去看黑帮娼妓作秀表演,不可容忍。美国人民也一起抵制!请转发、扩散 崔永元的正义努力!